Posts by AMKMC Media Team (Page 10)
Worship Is A Two-Way Street
By Cheryl Mah Before the birth of my elder child and even while she was still very young, I dreaded going to church for onsite services. Between the lack of sleep (due to staying out till the wee hours of the morning pre-motherhood and then suffering disturbed sleep during early motherhood) and laziness, I disliked having my Sundays to be utilised for anything other than catching up on sleep. Back then, there were no pre-recorded or livestream services, so when…
Pledging for Financial Year 2022/23
Beloved Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ, As our Church approaches the close of the financial year ending 31 July 2022, we praise God for His grace over the past year and His provisions for our Church. We thank God and you for your dedicated, faithful and generous service and giving all these years for our Church. We prayerfully seek the Lord’s blessing and your continued support for our Church’s coming financial year (1 August 2022 to 31 July 2023). As we move…
God’s Call To Gather Pt 3: Fear God Above All
By Rev Anthony Lee While Covid-19 pandemic has changed the ways we practiced our faith for a season, we need to recognise that the current circumstances are not the same as in 2020. Consider the following: High rate of vaccination in Singapore Most of us in Singapore are vaccinated, and this includes an increasing number of children. Therefore, the fear that gripped us all in back in 2020 should no longer be the dominant narrative. Even if a new deadlier…
God’s Call To Gather Pt 2: Christianity is a Communal Faith
By Rev Anthony Lee Moses led the people out of slavery in Egypt in order to worship God. Egypt represents the world we live in; entering the Promised Land represents leaving the world behind to worship God in Church. If we merely worship online, at our convenience, we are not truly “leaving” the world behind. Thus, there is great spiritual significance in our physical gathering for worship. Every time we gather as God’s people, it is a prophetic and spiritual…
God’s Call To Gather Pt 1: Obedience and Honour
By Rev Anthony Lee The start of the Covid pandemic more than two years ago has propelled the need for online worship. Online worship arose as a concession for people to continue worshipping on Sundays despite the Covid situation. It was never meant for the purpose of convenience (or worse, consumption), and should be seen as a last resort rather than the default option. While online worship at home has been necessary, over time, there has been unseen and untold…
WSCS Sunday
WSCS SUNDAY WSCS Sunday is observed to honour God’s faithfulness and mighty works in the various ministries of the Women’s Society of Christian Service – Witness & Evangelism, Discipleship & Nurture, Outreach & Social Concerns and Missions. Blessed by His grace and love, the WSCS women seek to serve others by touching lives and reaching out to those around them. To celebrate WSCS Sunday, TRAC WSCS has compiled a booklet of devotionals by the ladies from 14 churches. May you…
Mid-Week Teaching Series: Christians In The Changing Marketplace
Christians in the Changing Marketplace Wesley Methodist Church is organising a mid-week teaching series on being Christian witnesses in the marketplace, and are opening these sessions to all TRAC churches. The COVID pandemic in the past two years has introduced a greater sense of informality in our work interactions and the traditional office relationship. While a person’s personal faith or religious beliefs can be private matters, we should be willing, when appropriate situations arise, to be open to discuss the…
Colours of the Bible Art Competition 2022
Colours of the Bible is an annual art competition jointly organised by the Bible Society of Singapore and the Embassy of Israel in Singapore. Participants can express their creativity through visual artworks related to the theme of the competition for the year, which points us back to the Word of God. The theme for this year’s competition is Healings in the Bible. Testimonies of healing always stir up faith in all who believe. Such accounts from the Bible all the…