

D&N Class: Understanding Jewish History & Culture 535BCE – 200CE

Have you ever wondered about the following: How did the Romans come to rule Israel? I did not read about the Pharisees and Sadducees in the OT. How did they come about? Why did Jesus appear to have a hot and cold relationship with the Pharisees? I heard that Jews also believe in Oral Law. What is that? The sharing (over 4 sessions) aims to explore the worldview of Jews leading to Jesus and the apostles’ time. We will also…

D&N Course Registration 2024

Registrations for courses run by the Discipleship and Nurture (D & N) Ministry are open today (21 January) to 4 February 2024! The following are courses offered: DISCIPLE 1 – 34-weeks (Mondays, from 7.30pm (starting on 26 February 2024) Maximum number of participants per class: 15 pax Christian Believer – 30-weeks (Fridays, from 7.30pm (starting on 23 February 2024)) Maximum number of participants per class: 20 pax * Do kindly note that to sign up for Christian Believer, you must…

D&N Course Registration 2023

Deepen your roots by becoming disciples through the Discipleship and Nurture (D & N) Ministry course. Registrations for course are open now! Courses offered: DISCIPLE 1 – 34 weeks Course Starting Date: 13 Apr 2023, 7:30pm We will try our best to form a class based on the number of signups. Please note that a class may not be able to run if there are insufficient participants. Do check out the D & N booklet below on the full range of courses…

D & N Course Registration 2022

Registrations for courses run by the Discipleship and Nurture (D & N) Ministry are open from now until 2 January 2022! The following are courses offered: DISCIPLE 1 – 34-weeks DISCIPLE 2 – 32 weeks DISCIPLE 3 – 32 weeks DISCIPLE 4 – 32 weeks MasterLife – 24weeks Companion in Christ – 28 weeks By this Name  – 15 weeks We will try our best to form a class based on the number of signups. Please note that a class…

D & N Course Registration 2021

Registrations for courses run by the Discipleship and Nurture (D & N) Ministry are open today (10 January 2021) to 31 January 2021! The following are courses offered: DISCIPLE 1 – 34-weeks DISCIPLE 2 – 32 weeks DISCIPLE 3 – 32 weeks DISCIPLE 4 – 32 weeks MasterLife – 24weeks Companion in Christ – 28 weeks By this Name -15 weeks We will try our best to form a class based on the number of signups. Please note that a…