Raising Faithful Children in a Digital Era
By Cheryl Mah In this era which is dominated by digital technology, our children are inevitably growing up surrounded by screens, gadgets and connected devices. As Christian parents trying to instil good values in our children, this represents a huge hurdle to overcome, and navigating the digital landscape can feel like a daunting task. Nevertheless, with intentionality and guidance, it is possible to raise our children to engage with digital media in a way that aligns with our Christian values.…
Timeless Lessons from the Philippian Church
By Cheryl Mah Nestled in the eastern region of Macedonia is the ancient city of Philippi. It was there that the Apostle Paul planted the seeds of a vibrant Christian community. Documented in the book of Acts, Paul’s journey illuminates not only the beginnings of the Philippian church, but also offers timeless lessons for modern churches. By delving into the foundation and ethos of this early Christian congregation, we may draw insights from their story that still resonates today. 1.…
Embracing Work as a Divine Calling
By Cheryl Mah Throughout history, work has carried different meanings and has evolved in many ways. In the earliest stages of human civilisation, work was confined to simple tasks involving basic human needs such as food, shelter, and child minding. Nowadays, many find importance in work because it gives our lives purpose and structure. In fact, the ideology of work has become more than just about earning a salary; the importance of work fulfilment is also attached to jobs. The…
MWTM Week 6: Bare Fruit or Bear Fruit?
By Cheryl Mah Jesus is a shining example of what it means to live out the Gospel truth. During his time on earth, He chose to communicate the Gospel by example instead of merely sharing it verbally, and His method has been proven to be effective. Christ was bold and confident when sharing the Gospel, yet He adjusted the way He shared to the different people He spoke to and He paid attention to their needs. 1. Stand Firm Although…
MWTM Week 5: The People are the Mission, Not the Impediment
By Cheryl Mah In Numbers 13, when the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt, God commanded a leader from each tribe to explore the land of Canaan. Upon their return, they reported to the community that the land was flowing with milk and honey, however the people living there were very strong. When Caleb insisted that they could take possession of the land, the men who had gone up with him were so intimidated by the ‘strong people’ that…
MWTM Week 4: Mission Not Impossible
By Cheryl Mah We live in a world filled with plenty of needy people looking for answers, and Jesus is the answer to everything mankind needs. He offers love, joy, peace, rest, protection, guidance, wisdom, mercy, forgiveness and most of all, everlasting life (which is to know God; John 17:3). However, these lost sheep will never know who the Good Shepherd is unless someone tells them about Him. Thus, those of us who have received salvation each have a duty…
MWTM Week 3: In Union with Christ
By Cheryl Mah The essence of being a Christian is to worship God. As Jesus explains, “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24). This means we must not only be sincere in worshipping Him, but that our worship must be rooted in Scriptural revelation, for all Scriptures is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16). To truly say we are one with Christ we must take steps to cultivate that relationship. 1. Purging sin…
MWTM Week 2: Rewiring Ourselves
By Cheryl Mah As humans, we have the tendency to put ourselves first before others, and very often, before God. Indeed, social and consumer culture has twisted our understanding of what we want versus what we need. Nowadays, everything is deemed “expendable”. We are encouraged to consume something for as long as it makes us happy – and if we are not, move on. Naturally, many of us have succumbed to this consumer mindset even in church… “I don’t like…