Week 1: A Personal Invitation To Christ

Week 1: A Personal Invitation To Christ

By Cheryl Mah

”Home” is an enjoyable, happy place where a person can live, laugh, and learn. It is somewhere where one feels loved, respected, and cared for. “Home” also provides security, control, belonging, identity, and privacy – among other things. Most of all, it is a place that provides us with a centring.

Receiving others, or ‘hospitality’, is a Christian value (Matthew 25:35-40). The act of being hospitable is welcoming people into our lives, meeting their needs, and reaching out even to strangers, enemies, and even to people who are hostile (Hebrews 13:2). Biblical hospitality adds that we are to honour and obey God by serving those around us with joy, and where we provide love, affection, and shelter to others (Hebrews 13:16).

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Jesus taught and exemplified hospitality. He ate with sinners (Matthew 9:10); He received children gladly (Matthew 19:14); He taught us to invite the lowly to parties and to welcome strangers (Luke 14:13). He even prepared breakfast for His wayward disciples, including Peter who had betrayed Him (John 21:12). As a show of hospitality, Jesus even came out to bring us into His home so that we may enjoy the indescribable privileges of eternal life at His great sacrifice and cost (Mark 10:45).

Being a real Christian starts not only from the church, but should extent to our real, everyday lives at home. If we want a friend to visit our home, we extend an invitation to them. Likewise, if we want Jesus to be our Lord and Saviour, we must personally invite Him into our lives and into our homes by creating a welcoming and hospitable environment for Him to reside in.

1.Pray often

When we invite a friend to our home, we extend hospitality to them rather than ignore them. Similarly, when we invite Christ into our home, we must take time to pray and talk to Him. Even if we are unable to sit down for a marathon prayer session, we can still say short prayers throughout the day while going about our daily chores and responsibilities. Instead of merely talking to ourselves, we can share about our day with God.

2.Worship God throughout the day

Worship is not just about what we receive, but what we give in response to what we have received. Romans 12:1 reminds us that true worship bears a very high cost – “a living and holy sacrifice” – and that cost is the sacrifice of our self. By worshipping God all day and every day we are letting God take authority over us. Here are some ways we can weave worship into the various aspects of our lives:
– Playing worship music in the background as we go about our day
– Placing scripture cards around the home, and meditating on them all day long
– Giving thanks before meals and at bedtime
– Sharing with family members about how wonderful God is, and how He has helped each of you

3.Encourage Christlike attitudes and behaviours from the home

By allowing sin to reign in our hearts and in our homes, we crowd out Christ and leave no room for Him to flourish. To have a home that truly honours God, we have to encourage Christlike behaviours and attitudes, and eliminate sinful attitudes and behaviours.

Deciding to follow God is not a small decision we make at church. By inviting God into our homes and heart, we are committing our entire life to Him – such that every single aspect of our being is subject to Him as our Lord and Master.


Revelation 3:20
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

Reflection Questions:

  1. Have you invited Jesus into your heart?
  2. What are some things you have done to make your home welcoming to Jesus?
  3. What else can you do to make more space for God to enter your personal life?