God’s Call To Gather

God’s Call To Gather


After a pandemic of just over two years, and the prevalence of online worship service, the convenience of worship online (at home) is doing unseen and untold damage to the spiritual lives of congregants. Ground reports from zone leaders have painted a spiritually lazy and lethargic picture of Christians.

Highlighting why it is so important for God’s people to gather for congregational worship once again, this short series is produced by AMKMC church office and will run for three weeks until the first week of June 2022.


Pt 1: Obedience & Honour  By Rev Anthony Lee
The Covid pandemic has forced the church congregation to turn to worshipping online, but this has caused many of us to become spiritually lethargic and lazy. Instead of online worship being viewed as a concession, it has now become the default way to worship. How can we re-vitalise our spiritual lives once more?

Pt 2: Christianity is a Communal Faith   By Rev Anthony Lee
Each Christian makes up the Body of Christ, and as the Body of Christ we must come together so that the Church may function in its rightful manner. What does it mean for us to gather for worship as one spiritual family?

Pt 3: Fear God Above All    By Rev Anthony Lee
The Covid pandemic might have thrown our lives into disarray and struck fear into the hearts of many, but ultimately, whom or what should we fear more – God or death?

Video interview

Worshippers Simon and Adelene share about their experiences returning to in-person Sunday worship services after the Covid restrictions are relaxed. Hear about their journey, their struggles and their conviction. 

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