What is S.O.A.P?
• The acronym S.O.A.P. stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer.
• The S.O.A.P. method is a devotional tool to spend time with the Lord, reading His Word, reflecting, journaling and then praying.
• Just as soap cleanses our physical bodies, the Word of God will cleanse us spiritually.

Why use S.O.A.P?
• It is a simple devotional method to read the Bible for ourselves so that we go beyond the usual devotional guides. It is akin to moving from eating processed food to cooking a meal for ourselves from a set of raw ingredients.
• The Bible reading program covers the entire Bible in one year. Do your best, however, please do NOT feel pressured to catch up on past readings. Just as you do not eat stale bread that’s expired, the emphasis is on listening to God through His Word for each new day.
• Over time, it will help us grow in recognizing God’s voice through His Word and become obedient disciples of Christ.
1. Scripture
• Read the Scriptures according to the Bible reading program for that day (see pages …)
• Select 1-2 verses you sense God is highlighting to your attention and/or you feel has special significance for you.
• Write the verse(s) out in your journal. Writing facilitates memory and this helps get the Word deeper in us.
2. Observation
• As you read the Bible, look for one of the following:
• A lesson to be learnt
• An example to be followed
• Promises to be enjoyed
• Jesus to be revealed
• Main question for reflection: Why is God highlighting this verse to you? What is God saying to you from the Bible?
• Write 3-4 sentences about what you have observed from the text and how it relates to you.
3. Application
• Main question for reflection: How will you be different as a result of what you have read and God has spoken?
• Write down specific application plans and desires.
4. Prayer
• Write a simple prayer to God as your response.
Going Further
After you have written out your S.O.A.P., give your journal entry a date, a title and a page. Turn to the table of contents and write them there. Over the course of time, you will have built up a depository of wonderful truths and applications from God’s Word. You will also be able to see your own spiritual growth over the years.
If you feel you would like to do a more in-depth Bible study, feel free to use the rest of the journal pages for that purpose. However, we would urge everyone to continue to use S.O.A.P. as a common platform for daily devotions.
The best time to do S.O.A.P. is whenever you are at your best! Some of us find it best to begin each day with devotions, while others can only have the peace to do our devotions at night after all the children are in bed. Know your own preference and commit to it.
Deuteronomy 22:6-7
“If you come across a bird’s nest beside the road, either in a tree or on the ground, and the mother is sitting on the young or on the eggs, do not take the mother with the young. You may take the young, but be sure to let the mother go, so that it may go well with you and you may have a long life.”
We are reminded of the importance of compassion and respect for life, even in small things. God’s laws guide us to preserve what sustains life. By sparing the mother bird, we honour creation’s cycle, ensuring life continues. It is a call to live thoughtfully, considering future generations.
This passage calls me to honour God’s creation and protect the vulnerable around us, just as He cares for each of us. By respecting the lives God has placed in our world, I am reminded to value others’ wellbeing, nurturing compassion in all I do. In this way, I can be a reflection of God’s love and stewardship, building a world that honours Him.
“Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding me to cherish all life You have created. Teach me to show compassion, and to reflect Your love by caring for the vulnerable. May I be faithful in nurturing and protecting those around me, living in a way that honours You and brings life to others. Amen.”